Here are a few items I picked up from the Goodwill the other day. This little pail was $3 and matched my bathroom perfectly. I love the light teal inside and the Le Bain saying on the front, which means The Bath in French.:) Super cute and perfect for a wastebasket.

I found this little guy for $3 and it went perfectly with my mercury glass and glass candlestick theme that is going on on top of my mantle at the moment. These suckers can run pretty pricey in the department stores but I've been able to find all my candlesticks at thrift stores and have saved a ton of money. It just takes longer to get your collection going.:)

THis little dude though was my FAVORITE find of the whole trip. I loooove coral but its SO expensive!! This would probably cost $20 plus at Pottery Barn or Restoration Hardware. And i got it for $1.80. Boom.