February 22, 2010

Isn't this SO pretty??? I found this yesterday for $5 at my favorite Goodwill. Well, it was $4.50 for me cause I have a discount card which gets me 10% on each item I buy. Yeah yeah, I have a discount card at Goodwill, laugh it up. BUT ITS THE ONLY PLACE I SHOP!!!! So there.:)

I could totally wear this to a summer wedding - which I have a couple of this year. The outer shell of the dress is this flowing thin material that overlays a navy blue lining. Its super comfy and really light. LOVE LOVE LOVE.


  1. Hey!!

    Cute dress - you find some great stuff at those thrift stores. I passed on your blog to my friend (shopaholic, along with me) and we've decided to give thrift stores a better chance ... last week I picked up a silk scarf, embossed clutch and a cute apron! :)

    Anyways, all that to say, love your blog & I check it daily. Keep up the great work!



  2. Wow, that is a serious deal! It's beautiful!

  3. What a find! I really love it. Your blog totally inspires me to brave the racks at the thrift stores.

  4. that is awesome! I saw a few similar at Target I don't know how long ago and fell in love with them then. Ummm discount card how did you make that happen?

  5. Frugal Contessa - You can do it! I've read the premise of your blog and this would totally be great. It takes time though - no online shopping unfortunately.:) Good luck!

  6. Anna, I have this dress and I love it! I got it from Target on sale...which is good but definitely wasn't $5!

  7. pretty!!! looks fabulous on you!
